App Features
A fully offline Telugu Panchangam App.
Your Pakshi
Provide your birth details to know about the Cosmic Bird you are assigned as per ancient South Indian Astrology from the 5 birds assigned.
Current Pakshi Phase
Every Pakshi has 5 different activities. Some of them are auspicious and some inauspicious. Find you currently running bird phase.
Apahara Pakshi Details
Each Pakshi phase is further divided into 5 parts each assigned with a Apahara Pakshi and an activity. Find your running apahara pakshi and its activity.
Pakshi Guidance
Pakshi - Apahara Pakshi gives overview on how your day is going to be. Get your bio rhythm guidance from the app.
Calender View
Coming Soon. View the Pakshi phases in a Calender view. Subscribe to view.
Pancha Pakshi Report
Coming Soon. Order a Monthly/Annual Pancha Pakshi Report based your birth details.
Do reach out to us in case you have any feedback/issues/suggestions. We will try to reply to you as soon as possible.
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